Wednesday, November 11, 2009

RCMP radio tower under construction; we watched out our front window as they built this over the course of a couple days.

Paula was shoveling snow when I came home from Iqaluit. There hadn't been much accumulation, but there were some major drifts. It had been so stormy the day before that my flight in had been canceled! Here in Kugluktuk water is delivered by tanker truck, and sewage is likewise removed (different trucks!). Paula was clearing the snow so that the sewer truck could get into our driveway. We cleared a path for the truck, and then the next day the hamlet snow removal crew totally cleared the whole driveway for our multiplex, making our effort a bit redundant. Now we know.

Why is the snowmobile on the sea can?

The snow drifts really landed on these folks.

This photo was taken at roughly the same spot as the last photo in the October round up, facing a little to the left ... it illustrates how much things have changed in a few weeks.

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