Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Walking in a winter wonderland ... oh wait didn't I use that title back in October?

March 28th, part one.
Kids and snow covered hills go together like peanut butter and bread! :)

This action shot by Paula, very nice moment captured.

This one has a little story behind it. We tried to make this image a few weeks ago, but missed the plane's take off by maybe a minute. This day we were ready to go and waiting for for the plane. I'd manually set my iso to 200, my shutter speed to 1/500th, aperture to f10 and fired off a couple test frames in burst mode to make sure everything was O.K. Then we waited. It was -24C, very little wind, bright sun. Felt warm, but just standing waiting for the plane (which we knew was on the runway) was making me itch ... so I handed the camera to Paula and set off up the hill to see if the plane had turned around. Sure enough I had hardly started to climb the hill when we heard the plane starting to taxi on the runway. Paula said "Run!" I knew I wouldn't make it back to her in time so I said "You take the shot!". And she did. Beautifully!


Enjoying the view.

Part two to follow ... maybe tomorrow.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

It's a nice sunny day in Kugluktuk, only -20C.

We made slushies from fresh snow, very yummy!

Portrait of Paula, or a self portrait in her glasses? You decide.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy spring!

It's spring in Kugluktuk, can't you tell? :D Don't let the -40C with windchill fool you!

I created this pano image on the first day of spring. It was bitterly cold, and having my hands outside my gloves for even a moment to capture each piece of this image was painful. This image was thirteen individual captures combined into the one frame you see here. To get this view of town we walked out on the ice that had been ploughed clear of snow, I setup my tripod on the snowbank that the plough had left to get some elevation, determined and set my exposure, manually focused and started the series. Once I create a final version I'll find a way to share the large, full resolution image.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Can you spot them?

Can you spot the ptarmigans?

I was there and I didn't! Paula spotted them (she must have rolled a natural 20) and pointed them out to me. They're very good at not being seen. I've cropped, and bumped up the contrast and clarity in this image to make it a little easier to spot them.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

March 14th walk

Wheeee!!! Paula couldn't resist!

March 6th walk (part 2)

Paula thinks this is a pretty cool way to get around town, but I still won't pull her on our sled! I may be husky, but I'm not a Husky! No "mush!" for me! hehe

Now this is an awesome sliding hill!

March 6th walk (part 1)

One beautiful March day in Nunavut...

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Walking on water

We've been walking on water lately. It's not a sign of divinity, but of a frozen ocean. We made some images along the way. These are from a month ago, but better late than never!

She'll be ashore now for quite a few more months until the ice break up.

Standing on the mouth of the Coppermine river.

Locals call this Suicide Hill. Note the brave slider in the top right! As we were walking we saw her trudging up to the top. First Paula was thinking that she was walking home. Nope. Before we knew it she was on her sled rocketing down the hill! It looked pretty scary!

This one was taken a little bit upriver from Suicide Hill.

When we first moved to Kugluktuk it was summer. The night before school started in August we heard an air raid siren. It was quite the "what the?" moment, wondering if the Russians had decided to come over the north pole, and if nuclear annihilation was imminent. We later found out it's just a signal for the kids to come in off the street and go to bed. :)