Sunday, January 31, 2010

Yeah. It's cold. :D

Once I'm outside for a couple minutes my glasses steam up.

So Paula took this one.

Frosty eyelashes are all the rage now! Coming soon to a cosmetics counter near you! (Photographed by a photographer (me) who couldn't see.)

Frozen breakwater. Paula's photographing again, as I'm blind without my glasses.

Remember that barge from the summer? It's stuck here till next summer.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Drumdance Part2

Drumdance Part1

There was a drum dance workshop the week of the 17th. The participants had a special performance at the elementary school on the 21st. People from a nearby community, Ulukhaktok (Holman) flew in for the workshop and were a part of the performance. This was my first drum dance in Kugluktuk. This was Steven's second drum dance, he attended one when he was visiting another community for work. I estimate about 90 people attended the dance. We enjoyed participating with the community in this celebration.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Here comes the sun

I had a shadow today!

Photo taken with MacBook built in camera out a cracked window. :D
Pretty exciting to see that big ball of fire in the sky again!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Paula slipped on some solid DHMO last month and fell down.

Be careful it doesn't happen to you!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

No longer newlyweds...

Happy first anniversary to us!

Sandals Whitehouse has a team of photographers at the resort who wander around photographing folks, and they do photos on the beach at sunset out in front of the "Dutch Village" pool. We decided to wear our wedding clothes from last year in Cuba for our photo-shoot before dinner. Paula was looking forward to wearing her wedding dress again.
It was a wonderful evening.

There we are.

And again!

Our second cake for our first anniversary! The first cake was at the restaurant during dinner, this one was delivered to our door the next morning.

Last year when we went Cuba I was hoping for a sunset shot when we were getting married on the beach, but the beach faced east, not west. This beach curves around a point making sunset photos easy! It was nice to have Sandals SnapShots there to create the image we wanted.